Monday 3 January 2011

And we're back...

... from a wonderful Christmas break in "snowy" Canada (seriously though, where was all the snow?!)  The flight back went much more smoothly but I didn't get much sleep so I'm basically running on caffeine and sugar at the moment :).  It was great to see people who I haven't seen in 1 1/2 years and I'd like to thank everyone for their hospitality, generosity and patience - it really meant a lot to me.  This was a busy holiday (I believe I traveled around 12800km all told) and there were the occasional hitch (i.e. airport woes), but very enjoyable.  My only complaint would be how short it seemed - I could've definitely used another week :)

So, 2011... what does this year hold?  I may not have my crystal ball and its only a few days in, but this looks to be a year of change for me:
  • I'm starting work at a new school with a brand new class coming in.  This will be the first class I've had over here that will be "mine", not taken from someone else.  I will be responsible for teaching and assessing their progress and accountable for the results.  I'm both excited and nervous about this... 
  • My current UK Visa is going to expire this year meaning that, unless I find a school to sponsor me, I'll be looking to move on to another country.  Perhaps Australia, the Middle East, Northern Canada...
  • I've decided to try and grow a full beard... we'll have to see how the new look turns out.
Well, I have a few errands to run and a huge pile of laundry to do before I crash (who am I kidding - the laundry will take me about a week to do lol) so I best get cracking.  Happy New Years to all and may 2011 be even better than 2010!