Wednesday 30 September 2009

I've been working at a prim'ry school...

I'm back!  Again, I know it hasn't been a week yet, but something else has happened.  You know, I sometimes wonder if there's a point having an "update day" if I'm not going to follow it lol.  But I digress...

As many of you may have predicted from the title, I have now officially worked my first day as a UK supply teacher!  Its quite something.  I got the call this morning when I checked in with my agencies at the normal 7am.  Luckily thing I called because I was actually considering taking the day off to do some running around (a combination of a late night and signing final rental papers the night before which means I can register with a doctor, get a library card, etc).  Since I wasn't expecting it, it was a little amusing as I frantically threw the things I needed into my bag (or would have been if I was watching someone else do it lol).

Anyways, after what happened yesterday, I was very pleased to be offered a job.  The job was for a day's coverage in a Year 6 homeroom class at a school about an hour's total travel time away (bus, train and walking).  Fortunately, my recruiter provided very specific directions and I got there no problem.  Wouldn't you know it though, the Head Teacher at the school was the same person that interviewed me in Toronto!  Small world, eh?

It was quite an experience... upper junior does take a different skill set than primary (which is where most of my experience comes from).  They were a bit chatty, but overall quite well behaved and bright compared to some classes I've seen.  I did find that I needed to be more assertive and speak up - the laid back, quite style I use with the younger students doesn't work as well with the older ones (surprise, surprise).  There were a few hiccups in the lessons but being a teacher is all about learning to be adaptable and taking changes in stride.  The majority of the class "got it" by the end and everyone seemed to be engaged so I'd rate it a successful day... apparently so would the school.  While I was marking books after the bell rang, I got a call from my recruiter saying the school wanted me back the next day too! :D  Yeah!!

One of my favorite parts of the day was the afternoon assembly where an African theatre group performed a story (its African history month).  I think there will be African druming tomorrow afternoon too!

I was having a good time over here, but its amazing how much better I feel being given work placements.  Not only do I feel more financially secure (and thus more willing to go out to more places), I'm told that I'm good at what I like to do.  Gotta love positive reinforcement.  Now all I have to do is figure out the system to submit my documents to get paid! The work doesn't end... :)

Speaking of work, I'd like to draw attention to one aspect of being a supply teacher that I am currently enjoying.  Namely the lack of required planning and marking.  I did stay late today to mark the literacy books, but I think that was a surprise to everyone.  Tonight I can relax, safe in the knowledge that the lessons and resources will be planned out for me when I get to the school.  As long as I give myself 30min to organize and familiarize with the materials, I'll be good.  Don't get me wrong though... I eventually want a permanent job and my own classroom (for various reasons which, after seeing how long this post is, I'll wait for another post to get into), but I do enjoy the down time :).

Apologies for the rambling, meadering diolgue - I'm quite tired.  I was up till late, woke up early this morning, missed my morning coffee and worked all day.  Tonight may be an early night. 

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