Sunday 12 September 2010

My first week of supply

I survived my first week of supply teaching... and even better, I actually worked every day!  Quite surprising this early in the semester.  Yeah me (and my consultants at Protocol)! :)  After having a regular class last semester, being back to supplying is interesting - a neat mix of change and uncertainty.  Fortunately, I have three days guaranteed at one of my regular school which gives me enough security to find not knowing where I'll go for the other two days exciting rather than annoying/agonizing.  I find the variety of ages and assignments very interesting... this week alone I've worked with Year 4's (11 year olds) all the way down to 1 year old babies.  This highlights just how adaptable a supply teacher has to be - especially this early in the semester when work is relatively scarce.  Luckily for me I already have 4 days booked next week - just looking for another Friday (fingers crossed)!

Since I'll be in the same classes for three days a week two of the teachers have asked me to take the science lessons on.  Its nice getting back into the routine of planning lessons - rather reminds me of my practicum days.  I'll  be doing the unit on "Changing States of Matter" so am currently looking at various resources to use in class.

I had an interesting moment in one of my classes this week:  As the children were coming in from their break, one of them came up to me and said that "A" was calling "B" a Christian which was upsetting to "B" who was countering with "no I'm a Catholic".  Strangely, they seemed to think it was an insult... incidentally, they also thought "pregnant" was  a bad word - where are they getting these ideas?  I had to take some time to explain what the word "Christian" meant and that its alright for people to believe different things.  Appropriately enough, we were about to start our Religious Education lesson at that time so it was even on-topic :). 

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