Saturday 24 October 2009

Another week and all's well

Wow, I can't believe its been more than a week since I've last blogged.  The funny thing is, I'm not quite sure what I've done with all the time...

On the social front, I manged to meet up with Kyle and, along with his girlfriend, we went to the IMAX to see "Up".  Now this was a really cute movie and I enjoyed it far more than I expected.  Its the kind of movie you can take your family too and have everyone enjoy it - highly recommended.  After, they took me across the river to this really neat Belgium restaurant in Covert Gardens.  I can't believe I can't remember the name of the restaurant because it was excellent - the beer menu was as long as the food and other beverage menus combined!  I ended up ordering a Passion Fruit beer (was only 3.6% and tasted like juice) with a beef side in onions, dark beer, apples and cherries with a side of chips. MMMM....

On the job front, work has been coming in and I have hopes of an increase soon.  I've been talking to my recruiters and they've recieved some very positive responses from the schools I worked at this week.  Its exciting because these were local schools (one was a 20 min walk and the other was a 40 min bus ride) which is so much better than the 90min commutes of the week before.  The schools also frequently need supply teachers, whcih means I'm in a good position to be called in.  I think next month will be my busiest yet!

Right now, the schools are on a half-term break (one week), so I'm not anticipating work (though I've told the recruiters I'm available).   There's an outside chance of nursery work or private schools, but I don't know how likely.  This brings to mind a quote I recently found: "The only difference between an ordeal and an adventure is your attitude".  Now, I could bemoan the fact that I have a week with no work to look forward to, or I could treat this as an opportunity to see more of the city.  I believe this is the key to being a success - finding the positive in every experience.  Even if you have a bad day, look at what made it "bad" and figure out how to avoid that in the future - if you can pull something out of it, then you've turned it into a positive learning experience.

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