Friday 16 October 2009

A Rainy Day

This morning is a chilly, drizzly morning, so its a perfect time to stay in bed and write a blog post :).

Let's see... this week I got another two days of work as a TA in a Nursery and Kindergarden class.  I really enjoy working with the little ones and those days have been lots of fun!  So, its not teaching, but there is work out there... I just need to be patient, stay positive and continue to keep abreast of things.  Flu season is beginning now which will hopefully bring more supply days (I know, I know - its bad to wish illness on people... tought ;).

As far as sight-seeing goes, I haven't done much.  The last week this month is the half-term break, so I figure I'll need things to do around that time.  Also, while I'm getting work, its still not as much as I'd like, so I really need to stick to a budget at the moment and limit my travel to day trips around London.  I plan on being here for awhile, so there's plenty of time to see other things and London is a huge city to explore. 

I did meet up with Greg at Camden Market last weekend, which was a lot of fun.  Its a large outdoor market area in central London, comprised of independent sellers and corporate stores, where you can find just about anything.  It was a treat just to walk around window shopping (they sure do like their shoe stores over here...)!  In one of the food areas, you had West African cuisine next to East Indian, Mexican next to English, which was across from Polish and... well, you get the idea :).  I decided on West African goat curry with a Belgium chocolate crepe for desert.  The only detractor from the day was my upset stomach caused by, I believe, a mayo and prawn sandwich I grabbed from a corner store on the way... I certainly will not be sampling that again, even though it was quite tasty.

Also on the weekend I went to East London for a local Diwali celebration (The Festival of Lights in India).  There was a parade down the street (which was lit up) and a cool fireworks and laser display in the evening.  The children marching in fire-motif costumes were especially cute :).  While there I had dinner in a really nice British pub - tried the chicken marsala, naan bread, mango chuney with a sticky pudding and custard for desert.  Oh my... that was absolutely delicious!!  Sticky pudding is now up there with chocolate lava cake :).

Overall, I must say that I'm really glad I took the opportunity to come here.  London truly is an international city and I believe that this will give me valuable experience.  As more work comes in, I'll be able to take more advantage of the opportunities which will help me grow as a person and a teacher.  I look forward to what next week will bring.

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