Saturday 17 April 2010

Travel Update... It's a "blast" over here

Ok, so you've all probably heard about the eruption in Iceland (near the Eyjafjallajokull glacier) which has sent clouds of ash into the atmosphere and paralyzed airports across Europe.  Thousands of flights have been cancelled, including mine with Ryanair to London.  In my last post, I said that I was going to just hang out in Dublin till this blew over, but after reading and talking to more people I've decided to bite the bullet.  As no one knows when the air is going to clear and airports are going to be crazy with backlog, I've booked a ferry to Holyhead tomorrow morning and will try to get a train to London from there.  Let's hope there's space on one of the trains (I can't pre-book the tickets).

As much as I have loved my time here, I'm ready for the vacation to be over and to get back to work... and I'll still make more working than the extra trip cost.  Of course I'll be talking with Ryanair and my travel insurance to see if I can get any money back, but I wont hold my breath.  If everything works perfectly, I'll only be around 12h behind schedule though which is worth it.

Keep watching this space as I'll have another post with more Ireland info and pictures (not to mention first full time teaching experiences) up in the next few days.

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