Tuesday 8 December 2009

Late again...

Alright, I know this update is (again) very late... this past weekend has thrown my sleep schedule out of wack resulting in tiredness and a lack of motivation to do anything.  It kinda feels like jet lag.  Hopefully my body will readjust to my usual timetable in the next day or so.  I've also started drinking tea instead of coffee in the evenings which may help.

“Why am I tired?”, you may ask.  Well, Friday evening was my first Christmas party held by one of my agencies.  We went to The Opal Bar, an upper-scale club/bar in Central London.  There was actually a dress code (business casual)!  The upper floors were the restaurant and bar area where you could socialize (over the loud music) while the lower floor was a 70’s inspired dance club.  Much fun was had.  Saturday evening saw me stay up late to finish my novel (is anyone surprised by this?) and I met up with a couple friends at the market on Sunday.

As always, work is going well – I’m still working every day and being called back to nearby schools.  This week I’m booked until Thursday. 

One thing I am liking about schools over here (aside from the resources available) is the school dinners (or “lunch” in Canada-speak).  There’s been a “healthy meal” initiative in the schools which means the meals they serve are balanced and at a reasonable price (couldn’t pack a lunch much cheaper).  The only part I don’t like is that, because the meals are “healthy” and cooked for masses of children, the cooks do not use much salt or spices.  In other words, they’re bland.  Perhaps it’s my laziness talking, but I can stand a little blandness if it means getting a hot meal in the middle of my day that I don’t have to prepare lol.

Other exciting news:  I’ve started my Christmas shopping!  I’ve purchased cards and a present for myself... gotta love sales!  I’ve missed the Christmas deadline for Canada, so the cards I send will be late (I don’t know how late though).  Apologies.

Recently, I was asked to rate my experience here so far - I responded with “Good”.  Now that I’m getting work and meeting people (and having the money to meet people), things are settling into a comfortable routine.  There are two things that prevented me from answering "Excellent" - the temporariness of work and lack of travel.  There still is some stress in the back of my mind regarding not having a permanent job but for now, I’m getting plenty of work.  I think its this worry that’s holding me back from exploring outside London (well, that and finding someone to go with).  Well, I’ll be able to rectify that in 12 days if not sooner!  Scotland here I come!

Tonight I tried out some self-massage techniques and found my muscles extremely tense.  My calves, neck and shoulders were so tight I could hardly do anything to them.  Maybe I should start up a stretching regime again.  Someone also suggested taking baths. 

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