Monday 14 December 2009

Let the Countdown Commence

Here I am at the final week of the term – one more week and I’ll be finished teaching for the year.  It’s a strange feeling – I’m happy to have a break and am looking forward to my two week trip to Scotland, but it’s tempered by the unknown.  I don’t know what this new year is going to bring as I haven’t gotten any bookings or interviews in January.  I’ve been working pretty consistently through the last two months though, so hopefully that continues.

My Christmas cards have all been sent out this past week, which means they’ll probably be arriving near the end of December (fingers crossed).  Don’t think that they’ll be late, but think instead of how I am extending the magic of the season for you... that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!  This isn’t the first Christmas where I’ve been away from home, but I still got a bit misty-eyed and sentimental while I was writing.  I really will miss everyone back in Canada!

I’ve taken a few walks around town in the interim – Oxford Street really does look beautiful at night with all the Christmas lights.  The best part is, partially due to the recession, all the stores are having fairly big sales.  The shopping over here is wonderful and the prices are comparable to Canada’s!  I know quite a few people who would be in heaven right now.  So far I’ve gotten a new winter coat, a few shirts and shoes... next time I’ll bring my camera.

Last week, I was on placement at one of my usual schools (oooh, how I love to say that, it makes me feel so “established”) when I had an interesting conversation with one of the EAs at lunch.  She had been to a Christmas party hosted by an American couple (and had a predominately North American guest list) at which they served chocolate covered pretzels and the bits ‘n bites.  Apparently, she had never heard about this kind of food before and asked if it was normal party food.  I just found this episode provided a humourous reminder of the differences between our two cultures – this is easy to forget since we have strong links and common language.

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