Sunday 20 December 2009

The Long Awaited Trip

... And I’m off!  Good afternoon everyone,  I’m currently blogging from the comfort of my train enroute to Scotland.  I just think it’s so cool that my standard ticket allows free Wifi and a plug for my computer.  My only complaint is that the window I'm sitting beside has no blinds and the sun is shining directly onto my computer screen making it a little difficult to see.  Gotta do this travel thing more often.  It started out auspiciously enough – running around at the last minute getting everything ready, then as I walk up the drive, I slip on a patch of ice and slid back down to the door.     Don’t worry, nothing was hurt save my pride...

Before you ask, yes I did do all my wrapping and packing the night before (actually finished early this morning lol).  Given my track record, what do you think are the chances that I left anything important behind or forgot to do something (I say “important” because I’m almost certain something is sitting in my room).  I am quite pleased that I got my things and my gifts into a backpack, suitcase and  computer bag (it was a bit of a struggle).

Speaking of home, my house is feeling kind of empty since my two roommates moved out yesterday.  Not only will I miss their company, I’ll also miss their stuff!  I didn’t realize how much of the cutlery and appliances were theirs – the most annoying is the lack of a kettle.  Oh well, I wish them luck with their new jobs and new flat – a new start for the new year.

In terms of work, I’ve worked this past week as a nursery nurse in a nearby school and have just gotten another 7 day booking in a Year 2 class in January!  I really love these long bookings... you really get a sense of continuity and relationship with the children and staff.  This upcoming booking is one of the schools that has been calling me back quite often and from whom I've been getting great reviews.  I think its a good sign and the bookings from them have been increasing in length... :)

Weather-wise, it was lucky that the school I worked at this was nearby, because we actually got a bit of snow Thursday evening.  It wasn’t that much by Canadian standards (a couple centimeters I believe), but this is London.  On Friday, I read in the paper about such things as massive school closures in the South-East (my area), London councils unprepared for more than 6 consecutive days of freezing, and cars being stuck overnight on the highway (8+ hours).  Since I’m on a weekly timesheet, if my school was closed I would’ve had to wait until January in order to get it signed and paid...  The snow is still on the ground, so it looks like London will have a white Christmas this year... the kids will be thrilled.

That’s all the news I have for now.  Stay tuned for pictures!

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