Thursday 12 August 2010

Day 2 - Free Day in Paris

Today was the first of my free days in Europe and I knew the 2 things I most wanted to see were the Louvre and Eiffel Tower.

The Louvre... what can I say except that it was amazing!  The collections it housed were fabulous of course, but (surprisingly) the star attraction was the building itself.  I thought the Victorian architecture in London was detailed... well the Louvre put that to shame.  The paintings, carvings and guilding on the walls and ceiling were incredible!

The line to get into the Eiffel Tower was long, but worth the wait. I actually walked up the first two sections of the tower before taking the elevator.  The view from the top was "quite nice" ;). This entry was actually written while standing in the tower's shadow - jealous ;)?

In the evening, we went to a dinner and caberet show.  Oh my... the duck a l'orange was fantabulous!  I so need to learn how to cook it.  The best meal thus far though I still have Italy to sample.  The show afterwards was great - there were jugglers, acrobats, dancers and singers.  They even performed a traditional can-can dance.

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