Sunday 8 August 2010

My European Adventures : The Beginning

Day 1: Travel from London to Paris

Off I go again on another wild and zany adventure... ok maybe not as much as its a package tour run by a reputable company, but I'm very pumped about it!  It's started out very well - the people are awesome.  I've actually initiated converstations with others for once - I may just be coming out of my shell and being more social lol.  Only time will tell.

It's amazing the amount of comraderie that being on a tour creates.  I mean here we are, strangers who wouldn't normally speak to each other if they were sitting next to them on a bus, sitting around swapping stories like we've been life long friends within hours of meeting.  Its also reinforced how poor my memory I have for names (shocking for a teacher, I know).  Faces I'm fine with but names go in one ear and out the other.  Perhaps we should institute a name tage practice.  Though I suppose walking around a city with name tags on just screams "I'm in a tour group - easy mark!".  I guess I just need to learn to pay attention better.

Amazingly I witnessed a person's first experience with coffee on the ferry to France.  He decided to try a machiatto... I'll never forget that expression as he took his first sip - a perfect mixture of shock, surprise with a hint of disgust.  Of course he now loves the stuff... another successful conversion I msut say.

Today we simply made our way from London to Paris and  we're staying in a camp site.  We did a drive through of Paris but we'll get a better look tomorrow on our free day.  If you're curious, my itinerary can be found by clicking here.  I'll try and update as often as reasonable.

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