Thursday 12 August 2010

Day 3 and 4 - Paris to Beaujolais Region

Day 3  - Travel Day

It was an early day for us which was quite painful for some given the copious amounts of alcohol consumed the night before...  But we all eventually made it to the coach and headed off to the Beaujolais wine region.  There's not much to talk about the drive - it was a standard road trip across some nice scenery.  Most slept.

We arrived at the gorgeous Contiki Chateau in the middle of one of the smallest wine areas in France.  Don't let its size fool you - the wine is still top-notch.  They have a limited production run at this vineyard and only export a limited number of bottles to Germany and Europe.  They also make a nasty alcohol called eau de vin or water of life... among the staff it is (more appropriately known as eau de mort or water of death.  I'll let your imaginations fill in the rest :).

Day 4 - 2nd Day in Beaujolais

Today was what a vacation should be about.  We had a free day to laze around the chateau and relax.  The weather continued to be absolutely fantastic so we all went on a hike up the side of a nearby hill to the "Top of the World", the highest point in the region.  It was a fairly challenging in some parts but most of us made it to the top and were able to appreciate the view. 

We had our French style picnic then headed back to spend the rest of the afternoon at the pool side.  Apparently I am still unable to perform a back flip or back dive (to the amusment of everyone present)... ow...  On the bright side, I spent the whole day in the sun without getting burned!  I may even be getting some colour - go me!

That evening we had an 80s themed party in "The Cave", a basement bar.  I was rocking to Micheal Jackson while wearing a red bandana and a full bottle of wine... life is good.

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