Sunday 1 August 2010

School's Out for the Summer!

So comes the end of my first school year here in the UK.  I almost can't believe its been 10 months since I first walked off that plane at Heathrow Airport.  I've been on summer vacation for a week now and it still feels strange waking up in the morning (or afternoon in some cases) and not have anything I need to do.  I miss the routine that work imposes on you (and the corresponding paycheck... but that's a whole other concern ;).  After having my daily schedule more or less dictated to me for so long, being able to have a say in my schedule is both a novelty and a burden.  It can be challenging to find enough things to fill the days without completely emptying the bank account lol.  But I shall persevere as I always do... in a worst case scenario, there's an Xbox connected to the TV in the living room and both Mass Effect and Call Of Duty ready to play :).

Also, my trip is coming up pretty fast (this Thursday in fact) and (too everyone's great surprise I'm sure) I've already started planning my packing.  No, I'm not sick... I believe its more a function of boredom :).  Later today I'll be heading out for a few more items of clothing as the tour operator recommends 2 weeks worth.

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