Monday 16 August 2010

French Riviera

Day 5: Beaujolais - French Rivera

This was another travel day.  The good thing about these days are that any spending is usually less... which is a good thing cause Europe is quite an expensive place.  I slept for most of the ride again but what I saw of the region was very picturesque.  The terrain is getting more rocky which I absolutely love!

After dropping our stuff at the camp, we had a few hours in Monaco, the second smallest country (only the Vatican is smaller).  The city is very rich and built up on the side of the hills, affording spectacular views... so of course I forgot my camera (sigh).  May need to steal some pictures from my fellow Contiki goers...  I elected not to go inside the casinos (I like to keep my money in my wallet thank you very much lol) so I wandered around taking in the sights.  Most who went in had minor losses - the highest winner I heard of was 40 euros.

Day 6 French Riveria - Florence

This is the dawn of our longest bus ride thus far - 6 hours!  I'm glad I was moderate in my celebrations last night and got a good sleep because we are driving along these incredible windy mountain roads - each turn providing another amazing panoramic view.  I really wish my camera took decent moving pictures through glass...

Speaking of drinking, I'm going to go on a bit of a rant here about some of the people at our last camp (from another group) who were incredibly annoying.  I have nothing against having a good time, but on a trip like this when you are sharing accomodations with others, there is a certain amount of respect necessary and I just hate it when people are so inconsiderate. We literally had people running through other campers' cabins and drinking on their doorsteps at 3am!  When they were told to keep it down they simply laughed.  I mean really!  There were those on our coach who were too exhausted from no sleep do to the noise to enjoy the scenery the next day.  Gah!  I wish Contiki could do something about that kind of behaviour... "what" I'm not sure, but something surely!

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