Sunday 21 March 2010

Something Wicked this way came...

Yes, this is another post about a show I saw in London with some teacher friends... any guesses which one?  Well, I'll save you the "suspense" and just tell you it was "Wicked" (the musical).  And what a "wicked" show it was lol - the music was upbeat and fun, great costumes and the lead had an amazing voice.  For those of you who haven't heard of it, this particular musical takes a new look at "The Wizard of Oz" and shows us what really happened and why.  It begins where the story ended in Munchkin Land where the Munchkins are celebrating the demise of the Wicked Witch of the West.  One then asks Glinda, "weren't the two of you friends?".  With that, the story flashes back to the Wicked Witch of the West's birth, their days together as college roommates and the events of the "Wizard of Oz".  I wont spoil the plot for you if you haven't yet seen it... its highly recommended that you do.

I really love these untold stories variants as they breathe new life into much beloved tales and give us the "expected" in a fresh, new way.  One of the themes throughout the show (and one which I've given some thought to over the years) is the subjectiveness of the truth.  To quote the show "the truth is what everyone agrees it is".  Our lives these days are so full of cognitive demands, that it can be quite appealing / easy to accept things on authority and not question.  With all this information at our finger tips, it can be difficult to sift fact from fiction without first hand knowledge.

In other news, spring has definitely come to England.  I'm constantly amazed how much I'm affected by something as simple as sunshine and warmth.  Each day I go to work with a spring in my step and sunglasses on - such a change from winter.  I actually look forward to going outside and even the rain doesn't bother me now.  Perhaps its time to take up my jogging again...

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