Sunday 14 March 2010

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

If the title isn't enough of a hint, I went to see the new "Alice in Wonderland" in 3D.  The movie was enjoyable if a bit mediocre - the CGI was excellent and I liked Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter (not his best work, but entertaining enough).   However, the big let-down for me was Mia Wasikowska's performance as Alice... she seemed to fade into the background when the story was supposed to be about her.  The film had a fairly formulaic storyline (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) which could have gone a bit deeper - like why was the Mad Hatter mad?  Who was this Stayne guy?

As I said, it was entertaining and I'm glad I saw it.  I do love films that blur the line between what's "real" and what's just in our minds.  Is this a story about a girl who falls down a magic hole into an enchanted world or a persistent fantasy of a young woman who's unconscious mind is struggling to deal with the stiffing dictates of society?

Moreover, I'm glad I watched it alone because I had a lot to think about when it ended.  The film acted like a catalyst for a few things that I've been thinking about in regards to my life and some advice I've gotten over the past few years from family and friends.  So I spent the bus ride home engaged in an internal monologue and  musing on my life (those of you who know me can probably picture it :)... it was quite refreshing to have a good muse... hadn't had one in a good long while.  Do you think its indicative of anything that it takes a Tim Burton film for me to take a look at my life?  Hmmm.... lol.

Also, if anyone out there DOES know how a raven and writing desk are related, I'd love to know.


  1. What is it like watching a film alone?

  2. Quite nice actually. Its not like I talk to people during the show and it ended late enough that we'd have had to head back home directly after. As mentioned above, being on my own gave me the freedom to pursue my own thoughts on my ride home which wouldn't have happened if there were others with me.

  3. Just in case , as you were on the tube alone.
